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Club Lottery

Club Lottery

Aidan Dennis8 Apr - 08:52
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Club Launches Lottery

Club Lottery Application

Welcome to the Horsley & Send CC Club Lottery. This is hopefully a simple and fun way to support your club. Fuller details are available below but in short form there will be monthly draw starting at the end of May for 3 cash prizes representing 45% of the income received each month. A single entry costs just £2.50 with increasing discounts for 5 or 10 entries per month.

The first draw will likely include some who will have paid twice already thus doubling their chance of winning. Please do sign up and good luck!

To enter please follow one of the links below to set up the direct debit.

Single number -

Two numbers -

Five numbers -

Ten numbers -

And send email With subject: Club Lottery Application
Please copy this form into the email and fill in the details.
Your name:
Telephone number:
Number of numbers: 1, 2, 5 or 10 etc
I agree to allow my name to be published in the event I win Yes / No
By applying I understand and agree to all the rules

Further reading